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Home » Why Car Mirrors Keep Fogging Up and How to Fix Them

Why Car Mirrors Keep Fogging Up and How to Fix Them

    How to keep car mirrors from fogging up

    As a driver, we believe it is common for you to find your car mirrors foggy, especially in cold or rainy weather. Foggy mirrors can interfere with your vision while driving and put you and other drivers at risk.

    So, you may be wondering: why do car mirrors keep fogging up? More important, how to keep the mirrors from fogging up?

    Read on as we answer your questions.

    Why do car mirrors fog up?

    Air conditioning is the main cause of foggy car mirrors

    For your information, one of the main causes of foggy car mirrors is car air conditioning. Your car cabin can become humid due to water particles released from the air conditioning. This causes your car mirrors to become foggy.

    Additionally, your car cabin can become more humid during or after rain. The humidity causes a buildup in water that turns into water vapor, causing the mirrors to fog up.

    Tips to keep car mirrors from fogging up

    Foggy car mirrors can indeed interfere with your vision. As such, Bjak has rounded up tips and tricks to keep car mirrors from fogging up.

    Apply toothpaste on mirrors

    Using toothpaste can keep car mirrors from fogging up

    Did you know that fluoride in toothpaste can help keep your car mirrors from fogging up?

    Simply apply toothpaste on the inside of your car mirrors and wipe the surfaces with a microfibre cloth.

    Apply hair shampoo on mirrors

    Aside from using shampoo for your hair, you can also use shampoo to keep your mirrors fog-free.

    Apply a small amount of shampoo on the mirrors without water and rub the surfaces evenly. Gently wipe the surfaces with a microfibre cloth, newspaper or tissue to remove the shampoo.

    Use hair oil on mirrors

    This may surprise you, but hair oil can also keep your mirrors from fogging up.

    Ensure that you use liquid, clear hair oil and not hair cream or gel. Apply hair oil the same way to apply toothpaste on car mirrors as shared above.

    Rub a potato on the inside of car mirrors

    Using potatoes can keep car mirrors from fogging up

    This may surprise you the most. Potatoes, too, can help keep your car mirrors from fogging up.

    Just follow the simple steps below:

    1. Take a potato and cut it in half.
    2. Rub the inside of the potato on the inside of your car mirrors.
    3. Let the mirrors dry.
    4. Wipe the mirrors with a dry tissue.

    Keep your car mirrors fog-free

    We hope our practical tips to avoid your car mirrors from fogging up can help you keep your mirrors fog-free.

    When your car mirrors are fog-free, you will be more comfortable driving. More important, having fog-free mirrors can ensure safer driving.

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