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Home » Unnamed Driver Accident: Find Out If You Can Claim Insurance

Unnamed Driver Accident: Find Out If You Can Claim Insurance

    Typically, the insurance company provides coverage for both the vehicle owner and any named drivers if they get into an accident. This means they can make an insurance claim for their losses under their policy. But what if the driver who caused the accident is an unnamed driver?

    Can you still make an insurance claim? Let’s delve into this topic and find out all the details.

    Can you claim insurance?

    When you own a car, it’s common for others, like your partner, child, parents, or even close friends, to drive your vehicle at times. However, accidents can happen even when someone else is behind the wheel. Whether they hit another car or have their own mishap, the first concern is the financial loss.

    Now, here’s the question: Can you still make an insurance claim if the driver isn’t listed on your policy? The answer is yes, as long as your policy is active, the driver has a valid license, and you have comprehensive insurance.

    But remember, there’s a catch – you’ll need to pay an excess fee of RM400 as set by the insurance company.

    What you should do

    To make sure your vehicle is protected by insurance and prevent any disagreements when filing claims, it’s important to add the person’s name to your policy before letting them drive your vehicle. The process is straightforward: when renewing your insurance, you can choose to add either named driver cover or all driver cover to your policy for extra protection.

    Named driver coverage VS All driver coverage

    Named driver coverage means you can add specific people to your policy who will be covered when driving your car. Typically, insurance companies offer coverage for the first two drivers (including yourself) at no extra cost. If you want to add a third or more drivers, there’s usually a fee of RM10 per named driver. Make sure to include anyone who drives your car often in the list before the unnamed driver causes any accident.

    On the other hand, all driver coverage extends the policy to protect anyone who drives your car. For an additional cost of around RM50, you can ensure that all drivers are covered. It’s worth noting that some insurance policies now offer free coverage for all drivers or provide named driver benefits for up to two drivers without any extra charges.

    Avoid unnamed driver accident!

    To make sure you’re getting the best car insurance, it’s crucial to compare different companies and their benefits before renewing. This way, you can ensure maximum protection and even save some money in the process.

    Visit Bjak now to enjoy exclusive discounts, attractive prices and benefits for your car insurance without any hassle!

    Bjak is one of Malaysia’s biggest insurance comparison websites, offering policies from over 10 brands. Get your free insurance quote from Bjak today!

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