Police To Summon Members of a Car Club Who Stopped Cars on Emergency Lanes
Using an emergency lane without a valid reason is a traffic offence punishable by a fine or imprisonment.
Using an emergency lane without a valid reason is a traffic offence punishable by a fine or imprisonment.
Penggunaan lorong kecemasan tanpa sebab munasabah merupakan satu kesalahan jalan raya yang boleh dikenakan hukuman denda atau penjara.
Op Selamat 17 akan dilaksanakan oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) sempena perayaan Tahun Baru Cina 2022
Kes kemalangan akibat jalan rosak atau berlubang sering berlaku.
Ketahui apakah yang boleh mangsa lakukan jika kejadian sedemikian menimpa diri.
Are you planning to travel this Chinese New Year? Carry out this car inspection and travel checklist before travelling for smooth and safer driving.
Polis menjangkakan sebanyak 800,000 buah kenderaan dijangka masuk ke negeri Kelantan sempena perayaan Tahun Baru Cina pada tahun ini.
A car is deemed a total loss when it is unsafe or cannot be repaired or the estimated cost of repairing or replacing the car exceeds the vehicle’s actual cash value.
Are you a new driver? Learn about these 7 car tips that new drivers must know for better and safer driving.