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Home » Protect Your Car From The Sun: Here’s 7 Effective Tips

Protect Your Car From The Sun: Here’s 7 Effective Tips

    Is the scorching Malaysian sun taking a toll on you? Well, your car feels the heat too! Just like our skin, our cars can suffer damage from harmful UV rays. But don’t be afraid. We’ve got you covered with seven effective ways to protect your car from the blazing Malaysian sun.

    Tint your car windows

    In Malaysia, you have the freedom to tint your rear windshields and passenger windows as dark as you please, which can be a smart move, especially if you frequently park in sunny spots. This helps shield your car’s interior from the scorching heat of the sun.

    However, keep in mind that the front windshield, as well as the driver and front passenger side windows, must still allow 70% and 50% of light to pass through, respectively, as per regulations.

    Get car windshield sunshades

    Extended exposure to the sun can gradually harm your car’s dashboard, steering wheel, and even make your seats scorching hot. This issue becomes more severe if your car has leather interiors.

    To protect your car from sun damage, consider using car windscreen sunshades. These shades act as a protective barrier, preventing the rays from infiltrating your car. You can acquire a convenient set of two, suitable for both your front and rear windshields. Keep your car cool and safeguard its interior with this effective sun-blocking solution.

    Protect your car’s paintwork

    Don’t overlook the importance of safeguarding both the inside and outside of your car. While it may appear challenging, there are practical steps you can take to slow down the deterioration of your car’s paint under the scorching sun.

    To shield your car’s paintwork from the sun, consider options like applying a protective coating or opting for a cost-effective waxing treatment. These invisible layers of defence not only shield your car from harmful UV rays but also provide protection against dust, dirt, moisture, and minor dents or scratches.

    Refill car coolant

    During hot weather, the fluids in your car, particularly the coolant, tend to deplete more quickly than in cooler conditions. It’s crucial to regularly refill your coolant to prevent your car from overheating. However, always remember to add coolant when the engine is off.

    The coolant cap can become extremely hot while the engine is running and potentially burn your hand.

    Park under shelter

    The simplest and most effective solution is right in front of us. Our cars are often parked for longer periods, so it’s crucial for us to prioritize parking in shaded areas whenever we can, whether it’s under a shelter or beneath a tree. By parking under shelter, you not only safeguard your car’s exterior paintwork but also minimize interior damage caused by excessive heat.

    Clean your car

    Excessive dirt and dust under the scorching sun can accelerate the deterioration of your car’s interior. To safeguard your seat upholstery and maintain a clean interior, it’s crucial to regularly clean your car.

    But that’s not all! Remember to give attention to the exterior as well. Neglecting dirt and rain marks on your car can lead to faster-than-usual wear and tear on the paint job. Additionally, make sure to use specialized cleaning products designed for cars to avoid any potential damage to your vehicle.

    Monitor tyre pressure

    In hot climates like Malaysia, the high road temperature can cause your tires to expand and over-inflate. This, coupled with driving at high speeds on hot roads, increases the risk of tire blowouts. To prevent this, it’s important to regularly check your tire pressures and ensure they are inflated correctly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining proper tire inflation!

    By following these simple yet effective tips, you can protect your car from sun damage and enjoy the benefits of a well-protected vehicle under the blazing Malaysian sun.

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