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Home » Road Accidents: 7 Types of Collisions You Must Know

Road Accidents: 7 Types of Collisions You Must Know

    Know the type of road accidents that might happen when you're on the road.

    From collisions with other vehicles to hitting objects or people, road accidents can be major or minor depending on the level of damage or injury caused. But even though each accident is one-of-a-kind, there are seven collisions that can help you determine just how serious it was.

    By getting to know these collisions and the risk factors involved, you’ll be better equipped to stay safe on the road and prevent accidents from happening in the first place. So, let’s explore these collisions and learn how to steer clear when danger approaches!


    When it comes to car accidents, head-on collisions are no joke. These crashes involve two vehicles coming at each other at full speed, creating a devastating impact that can be fatal. Unfortunately, these types of accidents are often the deadliest on the road, especially when they happen at high speeds.


    This accident occurs when a vehicle crashes into the back of another car that is either stopped or moving slower. Sometimes it happens due to sudden acceleration of the rear vehicle or rapid deceleration of the front vehicle.

    Side-impact or T-Bone

    Picture this: you’re cruising along in your car, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, another vehicle comes crashing into you at a perpendicular angle.

    That’s what we call a T-bone collision or a side-impact crash. These types of accidents often happen at intersections, where one driver jumps the traffic light and slams into another unsuspecting car.


    Imagine your car flipping, tumbling, and ending up on its roof – that’s what a rollover accident looks like. Sadly, these types of crashes are usually incredibly violent and can cause extensive damage, serious injuries, or worse, death. It’s not something anyone wants to experience, which is why it’s crucial to drive safely and take precautions to avoid such accidents.


    This happens when one vehicle accidentally collides with the side of another vehicle that’s heading in the same direction. Unfortunately, many drivers don’t even realize they’re drifting or skidding into your lane until it’s too late. And when a sideswipe collision occurs, things can quickly spiral out of control, causing the vehicle to veer off the road or even smash into other cars, people, or objects.

    Single vehicle

    When it comes to car accidents, single-vehicle collisions are unfortunately all too common. These types of incidents happen when a driver loses control of their vehicle and crashes into something or drifts off the road. And, more often than not, these accidents occur due to errors, such as recklessly speeding or driving under the influence.

    Multiple vehicles

    Well, simply put, it’s when three or more cars are tangled up in a single collision. Typically, the first collision causes these accidents, which quickly spiral into a massive vehicle pileup due to a chain reaction.

    Now that we’ve explored the seven types of collisions you must know, it’s time to take action and protect yourself on the road. Remember, accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. That’s why car insurance is so crucial – it can provide you with financial protection and much-needed security. Don’t take any chances on the road – make sure you have the right coverage to keep you and your loved ones safe.

    Bjak is one of Malaysia’s biggest insurance comparison websites, offering policies from over 10 brands. Get your free insurance quote from Bjak today!

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