Rain is common in tropical Malaysia. But pollution, deforestation and global warming have exacerbated the climate crisis in our country. Weather patterns can be unpredictable these days, as sudden downpours can cause massive floods throughout the country.
Due to this, people find it necessary to have special perils coverage in their vehicle insurance, as many have lost their vehicles in floods in recent years. Floodwaters can cause massive damage to cars, depending on their severity. So, it has become ever so important to know how to react to this situation if your vehicle gets stranded in them.
Check the water level

If your car is caught up in a flood, you should first check the water level to determine the level of damage. Never rush into rescuing your vehicle if it has fully or partially submerged in water. Wait for floodwaters to recede before checking the condition. A fully submerged vehicle would typically have more damage than a partially submerged one.
When checking, look for traces of mud, oils and chemicals on the exterior and interior of the vehicle. By doing so, you can assess the severity of damage. Checking for the water level helps identify if water has gone into the engine and other parts of the car.
Do not start the engine
Never make the mistake of starting the engine of a flooded car. It can be tempting to know if your vehicle is still working, and the only way most people would check this is by starting the engine. However, doing so can trigger a short circuit that could damage the battery and other electrical components.
If a flood has submerged the entire car, major components such as engines and gear systems can be faulty. In this case, arrange a towing service to send your vehicle to a workshop for repair.
Inspect the vehicle

When you take your car to the workshop, inspect the engine and gearbox for signs of damage. Begin by checking the engine’s dipstick. If the fluid looks cloudy, diluted, or beige, it’s a good sign that the engine has been flooded. If the oil level is above the maximum line, it’s also a sign of flooding. Drain the engine and examine the oil in a tray or a pan to be sure of flooding.
Once confirmed, contact your insurer to file for a special perils claim. Please note that if your car policy doesn’t cover special perils, your insurance company will not compensate you for the damages. Instead, you will have to bear the repair cost on your own.
Contact your insurer
If you’re covered for special perils, remember to contact your insurance provider to report the incident. Let them know if your car is fully or partially submerged to initiate the claims process. When towing your car to the workshop, remember to identify a panel workshop where repairs can be done.
Consult your insurer to make the necessary arrangements. Do not attempt to drive your car to the workshop on your own, as it could cause more damage.
Take photos of the car

Take photos and prepare other important documents to facilitate the flood insurance claim process. Generally, insurance companies require the following documents to be submitted to process the claim. It’s good to have some of them, such as a copy of the cover note, registration certificate and driver’s licence, ready in advance.
- Record the time and location of the incident
- Photos of the damaged car (all four sides)
- A copy of the car owner’s driving licence
- A copy of the car owner’s identification card
- A copy of the vehicle registration certificate
- Copy of insurance cover note
- Other supporting details/documents (police report, etc.)
Things to do to your flooded car
Seeing your car stranded in a flood can be devastating. But as frightening as it sounds, you should always be prepared to face the unexpected and learn to respond to unfamiliar scenarios in the right way.
If your car is caught up in the flood, always prioritise your safety before attempting to salvage it. Remember to follow the tips shared above to ease the process and save your precious time.
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