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Home » Why Is Personal Accident Coverage A Crucial Component Of Car Insurance?

Why Is Personal Accident Coverage A Crucial Component Of Car Insurance?

    Personal accident - cover

    Personal accident or PA coverage is a crucial component of any car insurance policy, as it offers vital protection to drivers and passengers during accidents. However, many people do not consider accident coverage, mainly to save money on insurance premiums

    But, having a personal motor accident plan holds several significance that both drivers and passengers must realise. Let us explain them in detail here so you will never think twice before signing up for it on your next auto insurance renewal.

    Financial Security

    Personal accident coverage helps cover medical expenses resulting from injuries sustained in a car accident, which includes hospitalisation, surgery, medication, and rehabilitation costs.

    In most cases, emergency medical expenses can be substantial, and having this coverage ensures that you receive adequate medical treatment without bearing the financial burden entirely.

    Enhanced Protection

    Compared to a basic car policy that covers vehicle damage and third-party liabilities, personal accident coverage offers enhanced protection for policyholders. Think of it as an additional layer of protection on top of existing vehicle insurance.

    Personal accident

    This coverage is specifically aimed at safeguarding individuals against the physical and financial repercussions of accidents, which is not included even in comprehensive car insurance.

    Death Benefits

    Tragically, fatal accidents can occur to anyone, which can directly affect the livelihoods of family members who depend on the driver for a living. PA coverage often includes death benefits and provides financial support to the family of the deceased.

    This helps cover funeral expenses and provides a lump sum payment to assist the family during a difficult time. Due to this, PA policies are highly recommended for breadwinners.

    Income Replacement

    In case of severe injuries that lead to temporary or permanent disability that prevents one from working, this coverage can provide income replacement benefits. A common misconception that people have about accident policies is that they only cover medical benefits in most cases.

    Cash aid

    However, additional benefits, such as income replacement, are available if you opt for the right policy. These benefits can be immensely helpful in maintaining financial stability for the injured and their family.

    Passenger Coverage

    Besides the driver, passengers in a vehicle also deserve protection from accidents that will make up for their medical expenses. As passengers might not have their own insurance, PA coverage is necessary to ensure they receive necessary medical attention and compensation for injuries.

    Thankfully, many insurance providers these days extend motor accident coverage to passengers as well and ensure their well-being is taken care of.

    Peace of Mind

    Let’s be honest! Knowing that you have personal accident coverage in your car insurance policy gives some sort of relief when you don’t have one. PA coverage alleviates concerns about the financial impact of an accident, allowing you to focus on recovery without worrying about potential financial strain, as mentioned above.

    Besides, it also meets the moral responsibility of protecting yourself and your loved ones during unforeseen circumstances.

    Bjak is one of Malaysia’s biggest insurance comparison websites, offering policies from over 10 brands. Visit Bjak today to get your free insurance quote!

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