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5 Effective Ways To Prevent Vehicle Theft

    Vehicle theft

    Stealing cars is pretty common in Malaysia, so much so that it can be called a convenient way for culprits to make easy money. In 2022, The Vehicle Theft Reduction Council Of Malaysia Berhad (VTREC) reported that nearly 3,000 vehicles were stolen in the country. Of that total, private car theft alone accounts for 1,006 cases.

    Although authorities are constantly working to improve the safety of motor vehicles in the country, owners must take precautions to ensure their vehicles remain safe from the hands of thieves. That is why we feel it’s important that you know these five effective ways to prevent your car from being stolen.

    Ensure the car is always locked

    Whether you want to leave the car for a short while or a long time, make sure it is always locked. Leaving your vehicle unlocked is one of the most common causes of vehicle theft. To improve safety, use a steering wheel lock that can act as a deterrent. Since theft can occur any time of the day, using a visible steering wheel lock on top of locking your vehicle makes it more difficult for thieves to drive your car even if they manage to break in.

    Never leave valuables in sight

    Don’t resort to the habit of leaving valuables such as laptops, smartphones, or handbags in plain view in your car, even for a short while, as they can tempt thieves to break in. If you have to leave the items behind, put them in a hidden spot, such as under the seats or inside the boot. You can even use a box to keep your valuables hidden. When doing so, make sure no one sees you hiding things in your vehicle! Do it discreetly before exiting the car.

    Avoid parking in a hidden place

    We all know criminals like to commit crimes in quiet areas or places away from the public eye. So, do not park your car in hidden, low-lit areas. Find proper parking places like a garage or a secure parking structure with guards whenever possible. If you have to park on the street, choose a well-populated and well-monitored area instead of a quiet place. Parking in well-lit areas makes it less likely that someone will try to break into or steal your car.

    When parking, aim the front tyres towards the kerb or walls of the parking lot as this makes it harder to steal your car with a tow truck.

    Use anti-theft devices

    Preventing car theft has never been easier with anti-theft devices, thanks to modern technology. Security cameras, vehicle immobilisers, and GPS tracking systems can work together to prevent your car from being stolen when installed. For example, an immobiliser prevents your car from starting without the correct key or key fob, while a GPS tracker helps locate your vehicle when stolen. You can also use a fuel cut-off switch to prevent thieves from starting your vehicle even if they have the keys.

    Be cautious with spare keys

    Never leave spare keys inside your vehicle, such as in the glove box and other common hiding spots like door pockets and cup holders. If your car operates with keyless entries or push-button start, consider keeping your key fob in a Faraday bag when not in use. This is because some thieves use signal amplifiers to unlock and start vehicles. Modern vehicles that support keyless entries are particularly vulnerable, so remember to be extra careful.

    Preventing vehicle theft

    Vehicle theft can happen to anyone, anytime, so always be vigilant and protect your car. Remember that no security measure shared above is foolproof, but by taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen or broken into. Follow Bjak’s blog for more useful safety tips like these.

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