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Home » Travel Insurance: The Dos & Don’ts That You Must Know

Travel Insurance: The Dos & Don’ts That You Must Know

    Travel insurance dos and don'ts - cover

    Travelling is an exciting adventure that opens doors to new cultures, landscapes, and experiences. While planning your dream vacation, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of travel insurance. This safety net provides both peace of mind and financial protection in unexpected situations.

    To ensure you make the most of your journey, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when booking your international trip insurance.


    Research Thoroughly

    Before purchasing travel insurance, research different policies and providers. Understand the coverage options, including medical expenses, trip cancellations, and lost belongings. Not all policies are created equal, so choose one that aligns with your travel needs.

    Understand Policy Terms

    Read the policy document carefully, paying close attention to terms, conditions, and exclusions. Make sure you understand the coverage limits, deductibles, and any pre-existing conditions that may affect your claim. Clear comprehension ensures you are adequately protected during your travels.

    Customize Your Coverage

    Tailor your travel coverage to match your specific needs. If you’re embarking on an adventure-filled trip, opt for coverage that includes activities, such as hiking, scuba diving, or skiing. If you have expensive equipment, like a camera or laptop, ensure they are adequately covered against loss or damage.

    Declare Pre-Existing Conditions

    Always declare any pre-existing medical conditions when purchasing travel insurance. Failing to disclose this information could result in denied claims. While coverage may be available for pre-existing conditions, being upfront about your health ensures you have the right level of protection.

    Keep Documentation Handy

    Always carry a copy of your flight insurance policy, including emergency contact numbers, with you during your trip. This makes it easy to access information in case of an emergency and speeds up the claims process if necessary.

    Notify Changes

    If your travel plans change, be sure to inform your insurer as soon as possible. Whether it’s a change in destination, trip duration, or other details, keeping your insurer in the loop ensures that your coverage remains valid.


    Assume You’re Covered For Everything

    Don’t assume that certain risks, like trip cancellations or medical emergencies, are automatically covered. Review your policy to confirm what is included and what may require additional coverage. Assumptions can lead to big consequences that can be difficult to handle.

    Delay Purchasing Insurance

    Avoid procrastinating when it comes to purchasing travel policies. Ideally, secure coverage shortly after booking your trip to benefit from cancellation protection immediately. Besides, delaying the purchase may hinder your ability to review policy terms and conditions carefully. So, get timely coverage to allow yourself ample time to go through your policy.

    Overlook Exclusions

    Pay attention to exclusions in your policy. Some common exclusions include high-risk activities, alcohol-related incidents, or travel to specific regions. Knowing these exclusions helps you plan accordingly and take extra precautions if necessary.

    Forget to Document Losses

    In the unfortunate event of loss or theft, don’t forget to document the incident. File a police report and gather evidence, such as receipts and photos, to support your claim. The more information you can provide, the smoother the claims process will be.

    Rely on Credit Card Coverage

    While some credit cards offer travel benefits, they may not provide comprehensive coverage. Therefore, be sure to review the terms and limitations of your credit card coverage and consider supplementing it with a standalone travel policy if needed.

    Bjak is one of Malaysia’s biggest insurance comparison websites, offering policies from over 10 brands. Get your free insurance quote from Bjak today!

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